Beginning July 15, 2024, Enbridge Gas began offering eligible Ontario customers up to $5,000 in grants for Ontario homes with an Enbridge Gas account, where natural gas is used as the primary heat source.
With Greenbrain being 1 of 8 federally licensed service organizations approved to deliver this program on behalf of Enbridge Gas Distribution across Ontario, our team of Energy Advisors are ready to help you.
To get started, simply give us a call at 1-866-848-4998 to learn more.​​​​​​​​​​​

Up to $3,000 back for HEAT PUMPS
​​​Up to $5,000 back for INSULATION
Up to $180 back for AIR SEALING
Up to $50 for each WINDOW and DOOR replaced
Book an energy audit
with one of Greenbrain's registered Energy Advisors,
prior to making any upgrades to your home.
Call 1-866-848-4998 or complete form below
Complete at least two upgrades
recommended from your energy evaluation report.
Book a post-retrofit audit within 120 days of your initial audit
once all of your upgrades have been completed.
Receive your rebate cheque
inclusive of up to $600 back towards the cost of your energy audit.

1. Do rental properties or second properties qualify?
Yes, rental and secondary properties qualify, as long as the property has an active gas account and uses natural gas as the primary heat source.
2. Do single head heat pumps qualify?
Yes, single head heat pumps do qualify, as long as they are listed on the Natural Resources Canada eligibility list.
3. If two heat pumps are installed, do I get a rebate for each one?
If two heat pumps are installed, the rebate is based off of the combined rated tonnage of both systems. For example, if two 3-ton units are installed, the rebate is based off of the combined size being 6 tons. Therefore, a rebate of $2,000 would apply assuming both systems are cold climate rated and listed on the Natural Resource Canada eligibility list.
4. If I insulate my basement walls and basement header does that count as 1 or 2 measures towards the 2 measure minimum the program requires?
If a customer upgrades only their basement walls it counts as 1 measure. If a customer upgrades only their basement header it counts as 1 measure. However, if a customer upgrades both their basement wall and header, the two combined only count as 1 measure (not 2 measures).
​5. If a customer participated in the previous HER or HER+ program, do they still qualify for a rebate through this new program?
Yes, a new set of audits would be required, and the customer would be eligible to receive up to $5,000 inclusive of up to $600 towards there audit cost. However, any upgrades where a rebate was previously received would not qualify.
6. How long will this new HER program run for?
Until December 31, 2025 or once funding runs out. Whichever comes first.